do i need therapy
MoodRx Clinical Staff - Sep 09, 2024

How do I know if I need therapy? 13 signs that you may benefit from a therapist's help

do i need therapy

When you’re struggling with a tough situation or your own emotions, asking for help can be hard to do. You might be questioning whether therapy will be worth your time. Or you might be wondering if you have a legitimate need for mental health care and what that says about you. People haven’t always viewed therapy and conversations about mental health in a very positive light. You should know that seeing a therapist is a personal choice, but it can also be an important factor in your overall well-being.


For many people, therapy is an empowering experience. It’s an opportunity to connect with a person who cares about you and get to know yourself better through good conversations. It’s also an opportunity to learn about mental health and find some positive and practical ways to care for yourself. For people with mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, therapy can be a critical form of health care.


The only person who can determine whether therapy is really right for you — is you. In this blog post, we’ll go over 13 signs that therapy might be helpful for you.


How do I know if I need therapy?


The biggest indicator that therapy will make a difference in your life is that you personally feel like something needs to change. If you start going to therapy because someone else says you should or because you’re feeling pressured, it may not ultimately be very helpful. However, if you’re concerned about your mental health or you have symptoms that are interfering with your life, you may benefit from seeing a therapist. If you’re dealing with a loss or going through some major life changes, a therapist can be a great partner to help you get through this time. Many people don’t realize that you don’t need to be struggling in order to see a therapist. Wanting to take a more intentional approach to your mental wellness is reason enough.


13 signs that you may benefit from a therapist's help


One of the first things you’ll do with a new therapist is set goals to work on together. This will help you stay on track and measure your progress. Getting to know yourself better and becoming more aware of your emotions and thought patterns are good goals to start with. Once you’ve gained more awareness, you might want to learn better ways to manage negative emotions and behaviors. You don’t have to show up knowing exactly what you want to get out of therapy on your first day. It often takes a few sessions to get a sense of what’s possible and uncover some things you want to focus on.


If any of the following statements are true for you, you may benefit from seeing a therapist:


  1. You’re feeling sad, depressed or anxious most days — Some chapters of life are more difficult than others. It’s also possible to get stuck in a rut with negative thoughts and feelings. Your therapist can help you consider more helpful ways to look at your challenges and potentially find some solutions.


  1. You spend a lot of time overthinking — An overactive mind can make any situation feel worse than it really is. Talking things over with a therapist can help you gain some clarity and feel more grounded in your truth.


  1. You have low energy and you’re not sure why — Your mental health plays a big role in your physical health. Worry, stress and depression can drain your energy, which creates more problems. Your therapist can help you work with your brain and your body to use your energy in a more intentional way.


  1. You’ve been more irritable than usual — Speaking of low energy, when you’re preoccupied with mental health symptoms, you may not have the internal resources to be considerate to others. Many people find themselves losing their patience and lashing out when they’re not feeling their best.


  1. You’re going through a big life change or you’re about to — Going through big changes, even positive ones, often reminds us that we don’t have much control over certain things in life. You may find yourself questioning who you are or feeling isolated from others.


  1. Your symptoms are getting in the way of your life — We all have responsibilities to take care of, and these things can suffer when we’re preoccupied with our mental health. Anxiety, depression and other conditions come with a wide range of symptoms that can affect your ability to be fully present and focused.


  1. You don’t feel like you’re getting the right kind of support from family and friends — We all need different kinds of support. Even when they mean well, friends and family don’t always have the most helpful perspectives on mental health. A therapist can offer expertise on these topics and an unbiased point of view.


  1. Your eating or sleeping patterns have changed — Mental health conditions can affect your appetite and your sleep habits. It can go both ways: You may find yourself overeating or not feeling hungry, and you may oversleep or experience insomnia.


  1. You’re avoiding certain activities or things you need to do — People often avoid things because of negative experiences they’ve had, fears about possible outcomes or the stress they expect to feel. But getting stuck often prolongs these worries and fears. You can use your therapy sessions to mentally prepare for important steps you need to take.


  1. You’re using drugs, alcohol or other unhealthy habits to cope — While these things can seem effective in the moment, they eventually create new problems and affect your physical health. A therapist can help you find healthier ways to manage your feelings.


  1. You’ve thought about self-harming or you have self-harmed — Most often, self-harm isn’t really about hurting yourself. It’s about dealing with an emotion or a situation in your life. Your therapist can help you understand where these urges come from and find some alternative ways to cope.


  1. You have a feeling that there’s something wrong, but you’re not sure what that is — Therapists are great at helping people reflect and identify what they’re really thinking and feeling. Talking about these things can put them into perspective so you can move forward.


  1. You want to be more proactive about your mental wellness — You don’t have to wait until you’re having a problem to see a therapist. There’s always room to learn more about yourself and focus on personal growth.


Get matched with the right therapist for you


Making the decision to see a therapist is a big step, but the therapist you choose can have a big impact on your experience and treatment outcomes. You should take the time to find a therapist you feel comfortable talking to, who has the type of experience you need. We know the process of finding the right therapist can be hard when you need help. That’s why we’ve made it simple. At MoodRx, we use a combination of assessment technology and live consultation with a licensed clinician to help you monitor your symptoms, match with the right therapist and continue to manage your mental health.


You can get started today by taking a free mental health assessment. When you’re ready, you can schedule a 15-minute consultation. The licensed clinician you speak with will handpick some therapists for you to choose from based on your assessment results and your conversation.


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